Anyway, it was for a local small business, something I have done more of this year. I have shot less portraiture and done more with other businesses. It made me think that perhaps I can figure out a way to do a promotion that changes periodically. Something of the season - a discounted rate for things I want to do (environmental portraiture) or work on (maybe something new or for a good cause). I have done the high volume jobs before, and I much prefer taking more time with each person - the pictures tend to reflect how comfortable someone is, and it takes most people a few minutes to relax and let themselves through a little.
Check back soon for at a least a couple of new(ish) shots.
I have been tooling with my Lightroom library the last two weeks in order to better manage the 50,000 photos. I have deleted a bunch and have come across some landscape work that might make an interesting series of prints upon which to build. I have to finish my portfolio update first, which will take the next couple of nights.
If you are interested in my work take a look at