My portfolio - www.adamphotographic.comOK, I am old enough to have had a Commodore 64 - that would be 64K.
I am wrangling my 35,000 images today, using 6 externals and 2 internal drives. I have 2 terabyte drives, 3 500 gig drives and 1 300 gig drive. I finally have enough for a simple 1:1 backup of everything with lots of space left for Photoshop to use as a scratch disc when editing.
This is a project that I have been putting off, but filling my 750 gig internal caused so many problems that Lightroom virtually stopped. Hopefully I will get it all square today to get out the photos I need to get done before I see So You Think You Can Dance tonight with the family.
In any case, here is how I will break down my files:
1 terabyte esata drive will hold my photos. There are about 650 gigs.
1 of the same will be backup
1 500 gig usb2 drive will hold family photos + drive image and Outlook backups
1 of the same will be backup with my music library back up as well
1 500 gig usb2 will have my higher value commercial work backed up monthly and kept off site
My 750 internal will hold my business and personal files as well as my Lightroom catalogue. Lots of space will be left for Photoshop scratch (temp) files.
1 300 gig usb2 will back up my internal 750
My 400 gig internal will have the OS.
Total = 4.95 Terabytes (Not counting my laptop, other desktop on which we use quickbooks or my passport drive that I use to ship photos to commercial clients)
I see myself outgrowing this in a year or two, so I may buy one of the network attached storage solutions - or add another 2 drives in my main machine.
Just to get away from the tech stuff, here is a photo from a recent shoot with Marissa. As soon as I am done with the file management stuff, I will edit some more and post again.

(Click to visit my flickr site for a bigger version)